Interactive Journaling
Research has revealed that structured journaling can improve overall health and well-being. Journaling has been proven to be an effective tool in helping individuals overcome substance dependence. The power of writing is that the process is immediately personal and relevant.
Research has also revealed that change takes place in a series of stages, and the application of certain change processes can assist in successful progression through these changes. Incorporated in the interactive journaling process are the prevailing change theory and motivational techniques.
Interactive journaling is a structured and experiential wiring process that motivates and guides you toward positive lifestyle changes. This process, coupled with group therapy, provides you with a powerful opportunity for change.
The interactive journals provide you with a personal and permanent tool for change that can be used long after your program experience ends.
The Interactive Journaling System
Getting Started
You will explore the various reasons you are entering treatment and prepare for the recovery work that lies ahead.
Chemical dependency
Provides the basic information about the primary, chronic and progressive disease of addiction. You will gain a clear understanding of the effects alcohol and other drugs have on your body, mind and life.
Explains denial and the important role it plays in keeping people addicted. You will discover how your defenses may have kept you from recognizing the extent of damage from your chemical abuse.
First Step- The pathway to clean and sober living begins with the first step. This will help move you from self-will to acceptance.
You will be encouraged to explore your feelings. You will explore your feelings of guilt, happiness, fear, anger, serenity, shame, hope, grief. Resentment and self-pity and see how they affect your recovery process. You will develop coping strategies for difficult emotions.
You will explore the role of anger in your daily life and will learn to keep anger from causing you serious trouble.
Steps to spirituality
you will explore a higher power and a spiritual base for your personal recovery.
Looking within- You will make a searching and fearless moral inventory, identifying both your positive and negative traits.
Most people enter treatment with low self-worth. You will recognize the importance of building a healthy foundation to appreciate your unique character.
How will you fit back into your family structure? You will learn the dynamics of families affected by addiction and how family members can assist in the recovery process.
Working your program
This journal takes the mystery out of the phrase “working your program”
Relationships/communication- You will explore how to build healthy relationships through clear, honest communication. Trust, respect for others, honesty, openness and self-worth are described as “the roots” needed for healthy relationships.
Relapse Prevention
You will be provided with the tools you need to identify your pattern of relapse and to interrupt the pattern before you begin to drink or use again. You will complete your own relapse prevention plan.
You will explore relapse patterns and learn to identify warning signs and plan ahead to address triggers in a healthy way.
Coping skills
You will focus your attention on areas of your lives that require work by evaluating your skills in eight categories and monitoring your progress in each.
Successful living with a dual disorder- Many individuals suffer from a dual disorder. This journal provides you with important information that allows you to understand the facts and challenges regarding addiction and a mental disorder.
Quiet moments
A simple and beautiful approach to relaxation training and meditation.
Into action- a solid introduction to Steps 6-12